Patient Access Schemes

Companies can submit Patient Access Schemes (PAS) to improve the cost effectiveness of a medicine.

The Patient Access Scheme Assessment Group (PASAG) reviews and advises NHSScotland on the feasibility of proposed schemes for implementation. It operates separately from SMC to maintain the integrity of the assessment process.


Guidance on PAS

  • NHSScotland Patient Access Scheme (PAS) Guidance 324kb (PDF)


Application documentation

  • Concise Patient Access Scheme (PAS) Application 306kb (DOCX)

  • Full Patient Access Scheme (PAS) Application 271kb (DOCX)


Patient Access Scheme (PAS) Standard Terms (January 2020)

  • Standard Terms for Patient Access Schemes.pdf 593kb (PDF)


NHS Scotland Standard Terms for Patient Access Schemes – May 2013 (for reference)

The PAS Standard Terms were updated in January 2020. All PAS submissions from 1 March 2020 will be governed under these terms. A high proportion of existing PAS in operation is governed by the previous version of the Standard Terms (revised in May 2013), this version has been maintained on the webpage  for reference.

NICE Multiple Technology Appraisals

From 1 October 2017, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Multiple Technology Appraisals (MTAs) will no longer be assessed by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) for applicability to NHSScotland. Any new medicines that are going through the NICE MTA process and have not been assessed by the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) will require a submission to SMC. This change has no bearing on MTAs that have been endorsed by HIS to date; the advice from these MTAs will continue to apply.

To support Health Board Area Drug and Therapeutics Committees (ADTC), in considering the outputs of NICE MTAs, at the point NICE issues their final MTA advice, PASAG shares up-to-date pricing information with ADTCs for products within the scope of the MTA along with confirmation of whether pricing used in the NICE assessment is in line with pricing in Scotland.

View NICE MTAs endorsed by HIS.