Who is involved in the Scottish Medicines Consortium?

The Scottish Medicines Consortium is a committee of clinicians, pharmacists, NHS board representatives, the pharmaceutical industry and the public. Members of the committee consider a broad range of evidence in order to decide which medicines should be accepted for use by NHSScotland. Most of the clinicians have a direct role in patient care, while our three volunteer public partners ensure the views of the Scottish public are taken into account during decision making. This wide mixture of backgrounds ensures decisions are made from a broad perspective. The committee meets once a month.

More about our public partners


The committee is supported by a team that  includes pharmacists, health economists, health service researchers, public involvement professionals and administration support.

The New Drugs Committee

The New Drugs Committee (NDC) consists of clinicians, pharmacists and pharmaceutical industry representatives. They meet every month to assess the clinical and economic evidence presented by companies for each new medicine and this evidence is supplemented by testimonies from our network of clinical experts across NHSScotland.

Following this technical assessment to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the case presented, NDC offers preliminary advice to the company, allowing them to provide feedback and address uncertainties before the medicine is considered by SMC. If the case is robust then NDC will accept the medicine for use and this advice will be issued to health boards following SMC executive review.  If the NDC recommendation is negative, the SMC committee will review the medicine.  This review will include additional evidence from patient groups and where appropriate, the Patient and Clinician Engagement (PACE) process is also considered.

Find out more about PACE

Clinical experts

Not all clinical specialties can be represented on our committees, so we have established a network of clinical experts comprising consultant physicians, surgeons, clinical pharmacists, general practitioners and clinical nurse specialists. We consult with these experts about all new medicines under review and to support our horizon scanning function.

More about clinical experts and SMC

SMC executive

Our executive’s role is to guide the work of SMC and make decisions on process and policy issues to determine the overall direction of development. The executive consists of the chair and vice chairs of the SMC and NDC committees, together with SMC senior staff. 

Public Involvement Network/PIN Advisory Group

The Public Involvement Network (PIN) is made up of patient and carer groups who have submitted evidence to SMC – our patient group partners. Their day to day contact with patients and carers ensures the views of those they represent are captured and used to inform our processes.

PIN also has a core advisory group which works with SMC to continuously improve how we involve patients, carers and members of the public in our work. Membership includes PIN patient group partners, our public partners and a clinical expert SMC Committee member.

More about the PIN Advisory Group

SMC User Group Forum

Our user group forum provides an opportunity for representatives from the pharmaceutical industry with hands-on experience of health technology issues to work collaboratively with SMC. The group meets quarterly to address technical and process issues and facilitates pharmaceutical industry representation on NDC and SMC committees.

SMC User Group Forum Terms of Reference


SMC Terms of Reference

SMC Terms of Reference

Declarations of interest

All committee members and SMC staff are required to make a full declaration of interest on appointment and annually thereafter, in accordance with our code of practice on declarations of interest. Members are also required to declare relevant interests at meetings, regardless of whether those interests have previously been declared to SMC.

Additionally, clinical experts and patient group partners involved in the work of SMC are required to complete a declaration of interests.

Want more information?
Declarations of interest for SMC are aligned with Healthcare Improvement Scotland Evidence Directorate policies.

More about the definitions and policies.

Our committees and groups

New Drugs Committee membership
SMC Committee membership
SMC executive
Public Involvement Network (PIN) Advisory Group
SMC User Group Forum